Kool Change
(360) 794-9019 | orders@koolchangeprinting.com | 220 N. Woods Street, Monroe, WA 98272
Press Release: 6/19/2020
Subject: Local Print Shop Surprising Monroe High School 2020 Graduates
Kool Change Printing
Kari & Thomas McPhail, Owners
220 N. Woods Street, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 794-9019
Media Contact: Kari McPhail – kari@koolchangeprinting.com (425) 941-5653
Kool Change Printing has been a community leader since 1992. They have a history of being a supporter of others to create a strong community.
“This year we are proud to announce a surprise gift for each of the 355 Monroe High School Graduates. We are proud to announce we are creating 18x24 yard signs personalized for each graduate.
We are amazed at what the MHS 2020 class has had to navigate this year. We saw that some students were getting community recognition but we wanted to expand on that so that each and every family could celebrate their graduate without having to worry about the cost or ask for a donation to have one made”, Kari said.
Kool Change Printing owners; Kari and Thomas McPhail reached out to their contacts at the Monroe Public Schools Foundation for the proper contact at the high school.
“We thought of the idea to kind of ‘flock’ the school with signs of support for the graduates”, Kari said.
They were able to gift a MHS graduate Tiana Koontz with a Kool Change Printing scholarship a few weeks ago with the Monroe Public Schools Foundation.
“That scholarship made us want to do something special for more students”, Kari said.
Once Snohomish County was able to move to Phase 2 things took off working with Jaime Johnson, Activities Director and ASB Advisor at MHS she had the realization that an in-person ‘drive thru’ graduation would be possible. That meant that the signs would be able to be seen by every graduate and their families and then could be taken home on Sunday June 21st after the two-day graduation ceremony taking place on June 19th and June 20th.
The sign will be lined up Tester Road where the high school begins by a volunteer work party on June 18th. They will be present at both days of ‘drive thru’ graduation, and on the 21st students can come pick up their sign for their home.
“We think it’s going to be a great way to make sure each graduate is celebrated. It’s just a small thing we can do but it’s personal and for everyone, and that’s important”, Kari said.
Kool Change Printing is located in Downtown Monroe at 220 North Woods Street.
Locally owned and operated. For all your printing needs.
Kool Change Printing, a Division of Digital Monster Marketing, Inc.
(360) 794-9019 • www.koolchangeprinting.com • orders@koolchangeprinting.com
We work with clients big and small.
Fortune 500 Companies, International clients, community businesses, and non-profits.
We also support some of the most wonderful community organizations.
Monroe Community Senior Center
Monroe Public Schools Foundation
Snohomish Education Foundation
We love being a part of this community.
We are members of the
and Sky Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Kool Change Printing Scholarship
Through the Monroe Public Schools Foundation
we are sponsoring a yearly scholarship opportunity for a
Monroe Public Schools Graduate
interested in Photography or Graphic Design.
Congratulations to our 2020 Graduate Scholarship Winner
Congratulations to our 2021 Graduate Scholarship Winner
Congratulations to our 2022 Graduate Scholarship Winner
Looking forward to our 2023 Scholarship Winner